"The kingdom of God must never be reduced to talk, ideas and principles. The kingdom of God is power."
—Bill Johnson
Hi guys! I'm praying for big encounters with God this week! Here are some of the links we talked about on Monday. Chelsea just joined our prayer team - check out her testimony below of being healed from Bipolar. :) Also for those of you who aren't on the Facebook group, this Dan Mohler sermon below created a bit of a buzz. It's only 30 minutes but is WELL worth the time since it blasts away every mental block we tend to have about healing.
Suspend all self-judgment. Don't think about how much faith you have or how anointed you are. It's not about that, it's about intimacy.
Start to take stock of what is coming out of your mouth on a daily basis . . . about your situation, about God, about yourself.
Practice taking authority, out loud. The power of life & death is in your tongue.
"Leg, be healed in Jesus’ name.”
“Disease, get out of my body in Jesus’ name.”